Saturday, March 27, 2010


Being gratefull for everything coz result for my sista make whole family happy. The surgery goes well and now my sista become better as well. The doctor advice us always alert to do breast checkup for our gud health. Refer to lab statement, dr said that my sis have to care their health and the lump at her breast are not specific for breast cancer..i'm happy to hear that. Semoga ujian ini membuatkan kami sekeluarga sentiasa menjaga kesihatan yang lebih baik.

Some picture during surgery on 9 Mac 2010 : -

We do the surgery at Clinic Thomas

Wajah selepas pembedahan..betapa takutnya my sis ketika itu until crying..tau2 jakla sapa dak takut...
Yang pasti my boy antara yang paling sebot ketika itu..terserlah kesedihan c kecik ne
After removing the lump for lab test

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